venerdì, settembre 09, 2005

CRM Manifesto 

La maggior parte dei progetti di CRM falliscono per la mancanza di un approccio strategico al cliente. Prima di prendere in considerazione una proposta di un vendor di soluzioni di Customer Relationship Management, leggetevi il CRM Manifesto e verificate se siete pronti per il grande passo. Saranno sicuramente necessari grandi cambiamenti di natura organizzativa.

  • Manage Around the Mean : Most customers are clustered around the performance mean. To become above average performers, they must be given compelling reasons to change their past habits and buying reflexes.

  • Define Treatment Rules : The job of marketers today is as much about rule making as it is about brand positioning. Those rules codify the treatment of customers at all touchpoints and serve to modulate the contact mix and frequency. They are also a practical necessity to support perpetual, "always on" service where customers expect to be instantly informed of their entitlements.

  • Safeguard Trust : Even a momentary breach of trust can cause customers to withhold their opt-in consent and insulate themselves from further contact. Establishing an open reciprocal dialogue, where status checks can be regularly taken, builds an emotional barrier to exit.

  • Encourage Participation : Since innovation is the key to longevity, brands need to cultivate a more democratic climate where customer ideas and feedback are openly invited and where brand advocates can easily exchange information amongst themselves.

  • Track the Lifecycle : While knowing the current value of customers is critical, it may be just as important to measure the variability and the velocity of the relationship over time. At just the right moments along the way, marketers can intercede with appropriate actions to keep the momentum going.

  • Stretch the Measurement Horizon : Marketers have to establish new and more relevant measures of success. Performance evaluation and ROI contribution should be based on longitudinal gains in key indicators like segment growth, churn and profitability.
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