giovedì, settembre 08, 2005

Demand Chain 

A molti operatori del marketing è chiaro il significato del termine supply chain. Solo recentemente si comincia a parlare di demand chain.

Tra le varie definizioni, ritengo questa molto interessante:

The demand chain is the opposite side of the supply chain from the consumer.

The supply side concentrates on getting the product to the consumer while the demand chain concentrates on the experience of the consumer and the interaction with a brand on all levels.

Very few businesspeople are seeing things from the Demand Side. And, very few have the vision to follow the rules of Demand Side engagement.

It’s important to develop a "Demand side" approach to gaining insights and consequent actions for building an environment that learns daily and creates a living demand side environment for the consumer."

Sarà anche una forzatura parlare di una catena del valore della domanda, ma il significato di Demand Side Engagement è estremamente chiaro.

To really deliver on the brand promise, we've got to be able to capture the hearts and the minds of people."
Judith Hatley RBC Financial Group - Vice President, Marketing and Customer Management

Fonte: Beyond the Brand

L'immagine è di Laffey Computer
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