giovedì, gennaio 18, 2007

Brand respect 

Si è parlato tanto di brand conversations a partire dal Cluetrain Manifesto.

Si è parlato forse un po' meno di brand respect.

Se vuoi conversare, devi sapermi ascoltare, devi anche raccontarmi qualcosa di interessante, ma soprattutto devi saper mantenere riservate le informazioni che ti do.

Ho più volte scritto che la privacy deve venire considerata un asset ancora prima di un obbligo. Questo ovviamente è ancora più importante nei mercati digitali.

E' con questa premessa che vi invito a leggere con tutta la concentrazione possibile, questo nuovo studio del Journal of Computer Mediated Communication dal titolo: Communication Privacy Management in Electronic Commerce, di Miriam J Metzger della University of Californa - Santa Barbara.

qui l'abstract:

This study applies Communication Privacy Management theory (CPM) to understand the tension between information disclosure and privacy within e-commerce relationships. It proposes that consumers manage their privacy concerns through decisions to reveal or conceal information about themselves in interactions with online retailers. The study investigates whether analogous privacy management strategies identified by CPM theory to regulate privacy and disclosure within interpersonal relationships, including withholding and falsifying information, as well as seeking information seeking from a relational partner, operate in the computer-mediated context of e-commerce relational transactions. Findings suggest that online consumers do erect boundaries around personal information and form rules to decide when to reveal information, consistent with CPM theory. Overall, this study provides knowledge about privacy in online commercial transactions, serves as a basis for more directed theory construction in this arena, and has important practical and policy implications.


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