martedì, febbraio 05, 2008

L'evoluzione dei media 

Abbiamo di fronte una geografia mediale che si forma e si ricombina. Nei Social Media vediamo una tela molto fitta di conversazioni, di scambi di esperienze, che danno vita a nuove idee, nuovi pensieri e nuovi modelli culturali.

Cosa succede se ci avviciniamo e allunghiamo lo sguardo verso la singola persona cercando di osservare il suo rapporto con quei media che a questo punto diventano "personali"?

Alcuni artisti hanno cercato di analizzare il rapporto tra "persona e media" progettando video installazioni.

MediaME è un video mosaico interattivo in real time.

"Media Me" is a media interactive art work which comments on the bidirectional relationship between people and the media through the use of a realtime video mosaic. The elements of the video mosaic could be personal, cultural, historical, and educational. This research can be considered as a combination of creativity, art, and digital entertainment as well as an extension of personal media broadcasting. It comments on the growing trend of personal broadcasting and social media.

Television has been the mass media for broadcasting media content for a long time. However, developments in broadband internet and social networks have made it possible for individuals to use their own personal media as broadcast media. For example, "YouTube" allows individuals to submit personal videos for public viewing. From the previous concept of a few broadcast channels, now we have millions of channels broadcast by individuals. This has led Time Magazine to announce the person of the year in 2006 as "you", to highlight the revolution in personal media that has developed.

As an artistic reflection on new personal media, Media Me is an interactive video installation that displays a captured image of a person as a video mosaic made of hundreds of videos. We literally turn the body into videos, which artistically represent the revolution in personal media. Videos are continuously arranged in realtime to form a mosaic representation of the background to provide meaningful contents, such as cultural and historical media. When no image is captured by the system, Media Me activates and reflects the media itself by creating a mosaic of cultural and historical content.

Altri artisti hanno cercato di esplorare il rapporto intimo e personale con i media.

Media Mirror is an interactive video installation, in which over 200 channels of live cable television are continuously arranged in real-time to form a mosaic representation of anyone that stands in front of it.

The piece is intended to explore the bidirectional relationship each of us has with mass media. It attempts to illustrate how we are inexorably shaped by the media, while at the same time, how the media itself reflects the demands of our society. The piece is also simply meant to evoke an overwhelming sense of the sheer scale of the medium.

When no user is present, the Media Mirror places itself into an autonomous mode, in which the piece forms mosaics of one of the live channels themselves. In effect, the mirror gets turned onto the media itself.

Credo che gli artisti siano le persone che sono dotate degli "strumenti migliori" per comprendere e rappresentare l'evoluzione dei media.

Ci sarà molto lavoro da fare per esplorare le due facce del media. Da una parte il media come espressione individuale e dall'altra come "abilitatore di relazioni evolute".


Anonymous Anonimo said...

Ciao Maurizio!
Sto ultimando la tesi e non ho ancora il tuo contributo...sinceramente penso possa essere davvero utile e spero tu possa mandarmelo al più presto.
Se non ti è possibile, ti prego solo di farmelo sapere presto...

6/2/08 10:09  
Blogger Maurizio Goetz said...

ciao Matteo, è davvero un momentaccio, ma chiamami via Skype nel week end che ci lavoriamo insieme.
A presto

6/2/08 12:30  

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