Per una definizione condivisa del termine valore
How marketers believe agencies create value:
- Working in a collaborative way with the client by creating an environment of mutual respect.
- Ensuring that agency functions are integrated and agency divisions collaborate on behalf of the client.
- Developing and producing creative ideas that are fresh and unexpected.
- Developing ideas and programs that can be integrated into multiple communications channels.
- Developing solutions that go beyond traditional approaches and reach consumers in new ways.
How agencies believe marketers create value:
- Giving the agency the necessary time and resources to do its best work.
- Working with the agency in a collaborative manner that puts a premium on mutual respect.
- Identifying and articulating the outcomes the agency's work is expected to produce.
- Providing clear, complete direction to the agency.
- Providing constructive, timely feedback to the agency.
Un commentatore al post di Joseph, giustamente fa notare che i termini del problema sono mal posti:
"Are sales efforts aligned with consumer needs, wants and buying habits? Understanding how clients sell, what they sell, and how it is positioned, will provide insight into possible limitations (and opportunities) on marketing campaigns and opportunities for consulting.
Understanding how clients buy is a fundamental for me - why?
1. It prompts you to answer the client need.
2. It makes it easier for clients to buy.
3. It puts you in front of the decision makers.
4. It shortens the sales cycle.
5. It affords you the opportunity to align your message and sales efforts with wants, needs and purchasing habits, cycles and timelines.
Aggiungerei che è importante non solo capire come i clienti finali acquistano, ma come si relazionano con un brand, e come questo può migliorare la qualità della loro vita.Credo che siano questi i punti su cui discutere per potere determinare dei parametri di valore da usare come indicatori per la definizione di modelli di remunerazione delle agenzie e dei consulenti più rispondenti alle esigenze dei committenti e dei loro partner.
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