martedì, maggio 22, 2007

Le 4 A del corporate blog 

Leggo sempre con interesse il blog di Valeria Maltoni, una fonte interessante di ispirazione, anche per la sua capacità di sintetizzare concetti complessi.

Credo che le sue 4A del corporate blog siano un buon principio da seguire, per quei brand che desiderano avviare conversazioni con i propri pubblici.

Aspire -- This means seeking out new forms of connection, aiming for something greater than self, wanting to make a difference, and keeping hope that you will. When I talk to younger generations, I hear about meaning a lot.

Ask -- Blogs are a very large repository of knowledge, thus it affords multiple opportunities to learn and experiment. I remember an old song that said being a man meant you never had to ask. Asking and interacting are the foundation of what blogging is all about.

Attract -- We are a focal point for conversations at the intersection of what is happening today and what it means for the future. In that sense, we want to invite innovation and creativity into our lives and work to redraw where these new dynamics exist.

Act -- At the end of the day, we need to take our own advice and do something. Try new things, act out on different dynamics, take steps to execute, and then repeat. With new media, the barrier to entry is much lower. Blogging may be easy. The hard part is getting traction and creating something that people want to join.


Anonymous Anonimo said...

Ciao Maurizio. Grazie del complimento. Sono in una vena crativa buona ultimamente. Questa sera ho conosciuto Richard Florida famoso per "The Creative Class". Ha inaugurato il centro per The Creative Economy alla University of the Arts a Filadelfia.

23/5/07 04:44  
Blogger Maurizio Goetz said...

Ciao Valeria, che piacere leggere tue notizie. Richard Florida è molto ascoltato anche in Italia. Creative Economy è un concetto che mi affascina moltissimo, ne scriverai?

23/5/07 06:45  

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