Stili di navigazione in rete

NAVIGATOR - obiettivo: arrivare in fretta alla destinazione (il risultato)
Getting to the destination: Have you ever hopped in your car for your weekend getaway and all you cared about was getting there? You couldn’t care less about the scenery you passed on the way to the destination. All you want to do is get to that beach house, cabin, or whatever so your weekend can begin. Once you get behind the wheel—it’s all about navigating the path of least resistance.
EXPLORER - obiettivo: scoprire nuovi luoghi (il viaggio)
Taking in the journey: Now suppose that you are on a different kind of trip where you’ve decided to take the side roads and make a few stops along the way. You’re curious about the area you are traveling in and want to explore what it has to offer. You still want to get to your destination, but the direct path doesn’t appeal to you as much as the more interesting nooks and crannies that you take in on the “scenic route”.
ENGAGED PARTECIPANT- obiettivo: trascorrere bene il tempo (l'esperienza)
Stopping by for a spell: So let’s say that time isn’t an issue at all, and you really don’t have a pre-determined destination. Let’s say you buy a train ticket to a location you’ve never visited and you spend the day there, You visit with the local people, get to know a few of them by the end of the day, and even take some pictures back with you to share with a few friends.
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