mercoledì, ottobre 31, 2007

E' il modo, non il medium 

Rick Milenthal in questo interessantissimo articolo ci da una conferma sull'evoluzione nei processi di fruizione dei media da parte di un'utenza sempre più smart e sempre più consapevole.

"Spending time with consumers in the real world, where and when they actually engage with media, enabled us to see that when they spend time with media, they do it with a purpose, goal or need that drives their behavior. They enter different modes, or mind-sets, that drive their choices, actions and receptivity to marketing messages. "
La pubblicità non si deve più adattare solo ai diversi segmenti di utenza e ai diversi contesti, ma anche e sopratutto ai diversi stati mentali.

"To be successful in this new marketing era, we need not focus on the media, but the modes that consumers are in when they interact with and experience our messages. Regardless of whether the medium is online, TV, print or radio, the key is to understand the consumer's desired experience and craft our messages to help deliver that experience to consumers. When we align our messages with the modes that consumers are in, we can actually become a part of the experience that consumers are seeking. "

I media tradizionali hanno sempre fatto riferimento a due modi principali: informazione ed entertainment

Historically, two consumer modes have been well-served by the media -- information and entertainment. In the passive model, consumers were able to subconsciously switch between information gained through watching the 6 p.m. news to the entertaining antics of prime-time sitcoms and telemovies. But that model is history, and today's media-rich environment requires a far broader exploration of modes.

Grazie ai media digitali le regole sono cambiate e i modi sono molti di più

The rules have changed. We must match our message with the mode. No one wants to be disrupted with informative messages when they're in entertainment mode -- it's jarring and off-putting. Being subjected to a humorous message when you're searching for something serious is no picnic, either. We can help by providing the means, motivation and reason to pass along the message.

Comunicare attraverso il giusto "modus" è fondamentale in un panorama mediale sempre più complesso

If we want to succeed, we must stop shoving irrelevant, ill-timed content down people's throats. What matters is what people show and tell us, and our work should reflect what we know about them. We have all the resources necessary to identify what mode consumers are in at any given time. Aligning the message with the mode will determine whether our messages make it into consumer consciousness or become more wasted marketing efforts.

I modi sono diversi, ma sei sono quelli principali:

    People in Entertainment mode are on a mission to be amused. This mode has been around for years (and has been well-served by the media), and TV is still at the forefront.

    Information-seekers are looking for knowledge to help them make decisions. This mode also has been around for a long time, but now people are searching for information online as opposed to in newspapers and card catalogs.

    When consumers look for something new—whether it's a dessert recipe, a tropical vacation spot or a new station wagon—they're in Discovery mode. They do this because they want to nourish their minds.

    Consumers in Connecting mode are building relationships. They now have a world of tools enabling them to stay in touch with friends and family. E-mail is the most popular choice, and social-networking sites give them the next best thing to being there. Text messaging and online gaming allow them to have continuous and instantaneous connections.

    Similar to connecting, Sharing mode is a way to create common ground. Video- and image-sharing sites invite millions of people to swap their experiences.

    Expressing mode refers to conveying an individual point of view. This is essential because almost anyone can become a valued resource by posting a blog, vlog or podcast
La pubblicità non è l'unico modo per comunicare un messaggio di marca, le imprese oggi devono fare i conti con un numero crescente di modi e di forme per trasmettere il proprio messaggio ai prori clienti, attuali e potenziali.


Blogger Claudio Iacovelli said...

Post interessante, a mio avviso ricco di interpretazioni e di potenziali spunti di sviluppo.

Sono d'accordo che la pubblicità vuole rivolgersi non più a precisi segmenti, ma a particolari segmenti che 'vivono' precise situazioni emotive. Posso sostenere, collegandomi a quanto hai pubblicato, che i target non sono sempre gli stessi, ma variano a seconda dello stato dei destinatari, che in alcune situazioni possono essere più o meno recettivi ai messaggi esterni.

2/11/07 08:03  

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