Quale futuro per gli audiovisivi di rete?

Una persone saggia saprebbe che è estremamente difficile fare previsioni per quanto concerne lo sviluppo della rete, comunque vi invito a leggere qualche numero raccolto da Fast Company e a riflettere sul futuro degli audiovisivi di rete.
- Eighteen Billion | Number of videos streamed online in 2005.
There were 9 billion in 2004 and 285 million in 1998. - "If you can impose digital cinema and all its benefits, and attract 5% more customers to fill some of those empty seats, that's a $3 billion to $4 billion opportunity."
--Bud Mayo, president of AccessIT - 50+ | Percentage of films submitted to Sundance that are shot in digital
- 97 | Number of digital-cinema releases in the world in 2005, of which 87 were first-run titles
- 21% | Share of the studios' combined film slate now being released digitally in the United States
- www.youtube.com | Visits to YouTube rose 170% from November 2005 to February 2006.
- $585,000 | Cost of a high-definition video camera in 1984 (in 2006 dollars)
Cost today for the equivalent: under $6,000
- 4 million | Number of U.S. households that now use digital video cameras and editing software monthly
- 750,000 | Number per week
- In 2005, box-office revenue fell 5.2%
from $9.5 billion to $9 billion.
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